The In
I use a site called "My Food Diary" ( to track the calories I am putting into my body every day. Yes.... EVERY DAY. It costs me $9 a month, but it is the best money I spend every month!!!! It allows me to create recipes and put in serving numbers and it spits out the nutritional info. It has a section to include exercise and it gives you an average of calories burned based off your info. It has a body tracker so you can track weight loss and your measurements. Quite a nifty tool. Of course, you can do it the old fashioned way and use a calorie book to figure it all out. Probably in the near future that is what I will move towards as I now make good choices without having to REALLY think about it. Save the $9 a month and put it towards some cute SHOES! (On a side note, one of the things I have noticed is that my feet were apparently fat. Yes.... fat feet. I though that maybe my feet had just gotten flatter and that is why I went from a 7.5 to an 8.... NOPE! Now I am back to a 7.5! At least you can look forward to some SHOE SHOPPING!)It is true that a cookie may be the same calories as a chicken breast with a cup of broccoli, but is it the right choice? (You should be telling yourself "no" right about now.) Keep in mind that your body is a machine now.... you need to feed it what it needs to thrive. NOT what just tastes good but has little to no nutritional value! Whichever way you choose to track your calories.... stick with it and BE HONEST!!! You are not doing anyone any favors by leaving off the brownie you had in the office meeting! Fess up to it MOVE FORWARD! Do not let that one thing completely derail your progress!!!!
The Outtie
The other part of this process is tracking what you BURN! As mentioned above, I have used My Food Diary to track calories burn. But 4 months into my diet when I started REALLY working out I started wanting to know what I was burning more accurately. I went to a local sporting goods store and purchased the Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor. I was so excited to get this thing on that I cannot describe it! Not only does it monitor my heart rate, but it tells me my ACTUAL calorie burn based on my personal info that I input into it! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! I have a strap that I put around my chest and a watch that I wear and each week when I weigh in I update my weight info. It is AMAZING! I refuse to leave the gym until I have burned 500 calories but my goal is 750 each day. On hard workouts I can break 1000. Now... as with anything... you need to do what works for you!!!

Mine is easy to use and allows you to update your info as often as you want. This also allows you to use the website (for FREE!) to track your info. The watch stores your info for several days and allows you go back and view previous days. It is quite simply AWESOME! Even if you do not get this one.... I highly suggest getting a heart rate monitor with a calorie tracker!
No matter the choices you make.... always remember that it is a CHOICE that you HAVE to make. You CHOOSE to eat right and you CHOOSE to workout! You can DO THIS! Stay positive and work hard! Remember that choosing to be fit is not an easy journey.... but it will provide you with rewards like you could not have EVER imagined!!!!