After month 6 I was down a total of 63lbs! WOOT! I got into double digit weight loss again this month and I feel AWESOME!

Challenges this month-
Everyone needs a diet buddy- So last month (month 5) was tough! I was celebrating and it affected my diet in a very negative way. I was frustrated and could feel my resolve starting to waver. I was justifying a cheat here and a cheat there. Remember when I said that when you have a craving you need to give it a few days to see if it resolves on its own and THEN allow yourself a small treat if it doesn't just go away? Well, yeah.... I was not living by my own rules! I would get up on my weigh in mornings and hope for the best but I kept being disappointed by my lack of progress. (You might be wondering why I am still talking about month 5 when this is CLEARLY supposed to be about month 6.... keep reading) Well, it was not until Kyle said one morning, "well, you haven't been sticking to your diet like you were before." I was so pissed! Who was he to tell ME I haven't been dieting?!?! I don't see HIM dieting! I left the house so mad at him! That night I went home and said, "I might not have appreciated your delivery... but your point had merit." A full day of stewing can bring great clarity. My point is this.... surround yourself with people or at least someone who will call you out on your BS. Because Kyle was not afraid to say what he KNEW I would not want to hear, it brought me back to reality. Justification is the enemy of weight loss. Sure.... its just one cookie, or just one drink, or just one... WAIT! Didn't we talk about this before?!?!? You have to STOP the cycle. These are the moments when you realize that your weight issues have very little to do with the food and way more to do with your resolve, emotions, and self control. How's that for a smack of reality?!
Lifestyle Change- You have heard it before. "its not a diet, it is a lifestyle change." But what the heck does that mean? You start dieting and your stomach is growling and trying to tell you that you are dying of starvation, you are grumpy and starting to understand why those models always look so pissy.... they are HUNGRY, and you are wondering if being a few sizes smaller is REALLY worth skipping 50 cent wing night at the local bar with your friends! (Mmmm wings...) Every day is a challenge to make the right decisions and to tell yourself no. Then one day you are standing in the line at the grocery store and you realize you are looking at the "Cooking Light" magazine instead of drooling all over the candy display. "Hmmm... that is weird," you think. You show up to work and some big wig is in town and you find out that you are going to have a lunch meeting. You show up at the restaurant, open the menu, and while they are snacking on deep fried pickles and beef nachos you talk and laugh and sip your water. Then you order a "greek salad with grilled chicken and please hold the croutons and can I also get the dressing on the side." All of a sudden you realize that not only did you not check the menu online before going out, but you totally skipped the cheeseburger section of the menu and when the waitress asked if you would like a side of fries you simply said, "no thanks" instead of wanting to scream, "if I wanted fries I would have ordered FRIES!" Then you realize that you have experienced a lifestyle change. You are no longer dieting.... this is just how you eat now. It is an amazing feeling and it is the moment that you realize that you are now prepared for when the time comes for you to choose your hard by maintaining your weight loss. You go GIRL! (Or guy...) Break out an ice cold glass of water with lemon and CELEBRATE! Look in the mirror and welcome the new you, to the rest of your life!
Boredom- You will become bored of your routine... face it and prepare for it. For me, I am a pretty inventive cook but even for me I got burned out from making so much chicken and turkey. Just try to be creative. This is where you need to challenge yourself, especially if you do not usually enjoy cooking. If you are like me you will begin to feel the need to kick it up a notch. Though I have not discussed physical activity or working out very much, it is an important part of this process. And when you hit the plateau it is a good opportunity to change some part of what you are doing. You eat the same calories every day, do the same exercises. You need to start mixing it up a little! Your body responds more slowly if you do the exact same things day in and day out so plan to change your routine from time to time to keep it fresh and new for the best results.
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