So I have spent alot of time sharing what has been going on in my life recently. I have used FB as an outlet but I thought I would take the inspiration of my friend Sarah and begin a blog. One of the ideas I have toyed with recently is becoming an inspirational speaker, so this might be the first step down the path for me.
For those of you that don't know me, and some of you that do, this will begin as the story of my weight loss journey and who knows where it will go from there! After all, I won't need to lose weight for forever!!!
In September I decided to go see a "fat dr" here in Charlotte. Now, he prefers to be called a Bariatric Specialist, but lets call a spade a spade.... I have NEVER seen a skinny woman in his office. I have told him that he is my "fat dr" and he is ok with it, especially when I tell him that one day he will be my "skinny dr." I will tell you all what I told him and hopefully that will help catch you up!
"I am the story you have heard a million times... I used to be skinny and fit. I rode horses and worked out every day. For that matter... it was fun! But then something changed... I do not know how it happened, or when it happened, but I felt like I woke up one day and I no longer recognized myself in the mirror. Please help!!!"
So that is the gist of it. Once upon a time there was this skinny and pretty girl named Carrie who rode horses and could do it all. Then she went to college, drank some beer, had quite a few injuries, and then WHAM!!! She was no longer the skinny pretty girl, she had completely morphed into the funny fat girl. It all came out of NOWHERE!!! Now, do you believe that? Because I sure don't! I did turn into the funny fat girl, but it most decidedly did not come out of nowhere. Sure, I had injuries and other issues and stresses to contend with, but EVERYONE does! The point is that when given a choice, I was not making the right decision for my body and for my health. I remember saying, "its just too expensive to eat healthy all the time" and "I just don't have time to work out!" These are valid issues, time and money are two big deterrents, but they can be overcome if you REALLY want to! So going forward you will see how my choices have changed... some of these will be in retrospect as I am now 6 months into this... but you will be a part of my story as I laugh, love, struggle, cry, cheat, and repent my way through this phase of my life!
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