Running. Billions of people around the world run as part of their exercise routine and I have recently become one of them.
I am currently in Richmond, VA to participate in the Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10K, and I am wondering why, oh WHY, did this seem like a good idea?!?!? I am sure it will be fine and I will finish with very little issues because I am a new fitter version of myself. But lets be honest, I run because I know that it is a part of a good fitness routine, not because I find it to be fun. In my opinion, running should be reserved for those moments when someone with a chainsaw or a machete (or something equally threatening)is chasing you! I will never understand how a person can run for over 26 miles to compete in a full marathon, let alone why. My friend recently asked a runner what she thinks of for those 26 miles and the response was "anything and everything." Ummmm.... personally, all I think of when I run is when I can stop. If I am on the treadmill the clock is my arch nemesis because it seems that I look at it every 4-8 seconds! I feel like I am DYING and the damn clock ISN'T MOVING!
Beyond that, I sincerely believe that the treadmill is little more than a glorified sniper trap. Running is more than just physical, its also mental and therefore you need to be in the right mindset to be successful. Just the other day, I started off on a bad note when my ipod tried to attack me and leapt off of the treadmill and tried to trip me up by hitting the running pad and flying underneath of my feet. Of course I watched it as it went and in my embarrassment I almost turned to go after it..... With the treadmill STILL GOING 5 ½ MPH!!!!! Luckily before I got myself killed I realized what I was setting myself up for and stopped the machine before tucking my tail and running for my ipod that was ejected off the back of my treadmill. To say the least, this was not the best day of running I have ever experienced.
At the end of the day we all know that running has its benefits. I run because I do believe it is good for me. Friend or foe?? Well, the jury is still out but I will say that sometimes you have to work with your enemy to obtain your goal so I guess I will be running into the sunset one way or the other!
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